Helping Thought Leaders Communicate Big Ideas

Helping Thought Leaders Communicate Big Ideas

People with big, bold, sometimes disruptive ideas are the ones who will help us meet the dramatic changes happening in the workplace now, and in the future (think, evolving global markets, warp-speed technology advances, and a new and very different generation of workers).  But people with trailblazing ideas need to be effective, persuasive communicators in order to convince people to follow their lead. That’s where PowerSpeaking and its new partnership with DisruptHR San Francisco come in.

Giving thought leaders in the Human Resources and Learning & Development fields a platform for sharing groundbreaking ideas is DisruptHR’s mission. They are a worldwide, event-based information exchange, which organizes speaker events within DisruptHR “communities.”   PowerSpeaking is partnering with DisruptHR SF to offer event speakers next-level speaking skills workshops, as well as one-on-one coaching prior to the events. The first session we’ll support is on October 15, 2019, in San Carlos, California, in a joint effort with the San Francisco DisruptHR community.  

“We are delighted to have chosen PowerSpeaking to help us realize our mission,” says Michael Grove, CEO of Collabworks, organizer and prime sponsor of DisruptHR SF.   “We can’t think of anyone better than PowerSpeaking to help us build a top-notch community of speakers who are shaping the future of how we work.”  Grove adds that, “CollabWorks is empowering human-centric organizations to continuously invest in and improve the value of their talent.” 

Thought leader John Hagel III will deliver his “Redefining Work” keynote at the October event.  Following the keynote will be a “lightning-round” session where eight speakers will have five minutes each to deliver their best, most innovative ideas.   At press time, there are still openings for lightning-round speakers, so if you or someone in your organization is interested, check out the DisruptHR SF fall 2019 event page.  If you have questions, contact You can also view past DisruptHR talks here

It takes an effective “stage” and clear, convincing communication to launch big ideas that introduce new and better ways of working.  And so, we’re excited to be working with DisruptHR SF, CollabWorks, and their thought-leadership communities. 

On the journey with you,
The PowerSpeaking Team

An Invitation to join our DisruptHR Speaker Community

An Invitation to join our DisruptHR Speaker Community

It is our pleasure to invite you to join our Speaker Community and speak at our DisruptHR SF event. Please join John Hagel III and other trendsetting speakers at our October 15, 2019 event located at the Domenico Winery in San Carlos. Our theme is Human-centric Organizations – where performance is optimized by ongoing improvement of the individual and the organization to their mutual benefit. We are looking for fresh and provocative content, ideally presented for the first time. The speaking format is challenging and provides you an opportunity to polish your skills.

Our goal is to build a top-notch community of speakers who are shaping the future of how we work. We provide you expert training and coaching by PowerSpeaking and Heroic Voice Academy. Our objective is to provide you an outstanding experience and to enhance your reputation as a speaker. Below are a few quotes from speakers at our April 30th event: 

This has been a real highlight experience.  You are setting a new bar.  As a speaker, it’s been awesome. Very engaging and rewarding.  A hugely positive experience   

Vlad Coho, Automation Anywhere

The value of it (the preparation) was incredible.  I appreciate how valuable all that work was.  It’s an experience that I think a lot of people should go through.

Susan Sanders, HR Connect 365

I got a lot out of the individual coaching.  What worked for me were the live sessions and practice runs.

Greg Silva, TextNow

Participating in DisruptHR yields huge dividends. You’ll receive marketing publicity prior to and after the event via social media, publications, and press release. Additionally, you will:

  • Create a signature presentation which will foster your personal brand and reputation
  • Receive intensive training by experts who coach Ted speakers and keynotes
  • Elevate your thought leadership reputation on Crunchbase, social media, and the DisruptHR community
  • Receive exposure to some of the most influential HR executives in the Bay Area

Please apply via this survey. If you would like to see examples of previous talks go to

If you have any questions please email Carrie Beckstrom at

Human Centric Organizations

Human Centric Organizations

The crux of an organization’s rationale is its ability to create value. A human-centric organization (HCO) views the individual as the core of value creation, not job titles and organization charts. Vibrant, adaptive organizations function less by structural authority and more as networks or marketplaces of internal customers and service providers who collectively serve external customers and market needs

A modern organization applies talent and resources as a fluid “gig economy” of internal and external providers and consumers bound together by objectives and processes to deliver value. HCO’s strive to balance business and individual needs while addressing business outcomes. Transparency is essential for human performance and adaptive agility. Each individual, team, and function are contributors to operating success and profit margin.

By viewing all work in the form of services where each individual, team, and function provides a series of services to benefit a customer (internal or external) of each service, HCO’s can evolve from any organizational culture or structure.  An individual at any level will “own” 6-10 services that make up their service profile (or job). The result is an on-going agile change process driven by both internal and external customer needs. Waste can be continuously challenged. Much of managing overhead is replaced by self-management where the individual owns their customer’s experience and is empowered to bubble up initiatives and lead improvements.

Human centric organizations produce amazing financial results, as everyone participating in the organization is aware of their contribution. HR plays a strategic role in HCO evolution by owning the entire use of talent. Like Finance acting to manage costs, HR acts to optimize the value (margin creation) of talent.

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