FrameWork is for Everyone in the Enterprise
FrameWork was designed to measure, enhance and improve workplace results for all. From the CEO to the Individual contributor and everyone in between, FrameWork provides a unique value for all.

FrameWork is proven to solve the following problems by: (1) Reduce talent constraints by capturing more value from your existing talent; (2) Reduce complexity and inertia by eliminating low value communications and unnecessary managing; and (3) addressing margin pressure by significantly reducing headcount to achieve the revenue.
FrameWork was invented by experienced, successful CEOs
FrameWork makes the use and value of your talent visible. You no longer need to rely on headcount planning to execute. You will now be able to relate and optimize your decisions on allocating labor to expected margin contribution. The effectiveness of your management team’s ability to allocate and manage talent will now be visible.
Top down change management processes are disruptive, costly, and often too late. Why not build the change process right into the DNA of your culture? FrameWork causes ongoing improvements opportunities to be identified and implemented at all levels of the organization. New leaders often emerge. Your top performers are motivated to attack lingering problems that are “in the way”. Performance metrics are provided to support decision making and to measure outcomes.
We have found organizations consistently suffer from low or no communication and unnecessary managing (requiring others or being required to do something). By focusing on simplifying managing and reducing meetings and email FrameWork customers are improving productivity by 5-10% in the first 12 months.
FrameWork is proven to lower labor costs, inspire innovation, and improve productivity

The HR function is getting more challenging as talent gets more scarce and more demanding. We all hear so much about the employee experience. Employees want to be supported at work and feel like their voices are being heard, however, this is not always the case and they have to deal with multiple issues at points which can lead to discrimination. Because of this an employment discrimination lawyer California firm or a firm within the local area of their workplace, may be needed to rectify any issues that come up due to negligent businesses. Many new tools have been purchased to improve engagement using analytics including AI technology. Yet talent acquisition costs, engagement, and turnover are showing little to no progress.
More tools and data is not the answer. Sustainable employee engagement is primarily related to: (1) the employee’s relationship with their manager and peers, and local culture; (2) the employee’s alignment of their interests and work they do; and (3) their ability to improve and grow their capabilities. Until now, HR could only influence what matters most to employees, namely, their work, environment, and opportunity.
FrameWork provides HR the processes and data to improve how and why an employee is being managed. By allowing employees to own their own engagement and manage their own expectations in FrameWork, the role of HR in improving employee experience becomes simpler and more effective. Fewer tools are needed such as assessments, surveys, OKRs, pulsing, engagement, performance, and other “experience” tools.
The New HR is a Business Performance Organization
With modest training current HR functions can significantly unleash the value of your corporations talent – using fewer tools and less time. For example: With FrameWork
- Talent acquisition costs can be reduced by 50% or more by optimizing the use, training, and engagement of existing talent.
- HR Analytics & Planning is provided correlating data of employee engagement perceptions and current and forecast work and use of their talent.
- FrameWork provides the actual work profiles of employees by job classification – improving the clarity regarding the use of talent and assessing future needs.
When employees are aligned with matters the most, they are more motivated.

Today people and technology are inseparable. FrameWork provides the IT executive with the process, data, and analytics for the organization to be more adaptable and improve employee productivity. FrameWork is a new patent-pending technology that simplifies the complexity of managing talent by normalizing how we describe and manage work and its value. Quantifiable digital data is produced making the work, its value, and the use of talent transparent throughout the organization. IT is in a position to integrate this data into a digital business strategy that can impact workforce planning, compensation, and financial forecasts.
FrameWork is an excellent catalyst to current change management process such as lean, agile, and design thinking. As individuals and teams define their transformations in FrameWork, improvements are identified and prioritized. Then improvement teams are defined, project plans approved, and improvements created. Many of these improvements include changes that simplify processes, reduce workflow, and increase automation. IT is well positioned to support the organization in implementing these changes and to quantitatively demonstrate IT’s impact on operating performance.
FrameWork Shifts IT from Support to a Business Performance Function
FrameWork enables IT executives to:
- Quantify and value current IT services and to develop and shift their resources from lower value to higher value services.
- Provide management and HR with data and analytics to improve workforce decision making.
- Lead automation initiatives including AI to enhance employee productivity and improve revenue/labor.
IT owns “moneyball” for optimizing the digital workforce.

Value creation begins with the individual, yet today we still aim to optimize organizations around jobs and reporting structures. Thought leaders today such as Josh Bersin, Gary Hamel, and John Boudreau are seeing a new paradigm shift to more human-centric organizations – meaning the recognition that value creation stems from individuals, and their motivation and ability to align their talents to the customers they serve.
FrameWork is designed to optimize individual value contribution in the context of an organization. It shifts the ownership of value creation from managers to individuals. Each individuals self-manages the services (work) they perform on behalf of customers. The manager provides direction, support and feedback to align the individual’s services and needs with the organization. Individuals own their own engagement and express their desires, objectives, and improvements in their ongoing transformations. The balance between achieving organizational objectives and individual needs is reflected in these transformations.
Our Core Value is: You Win, then We All Win
FrameWork is a proven process for guiding and improving your value creation. CEOs, CIOs, and CHROs have experienced gain in their productivity after only two hours of FrameWork experience. Customer stories [link] includes college students, engineers, and analysts who have clarified and then improved the value of their work.
Purpose, Autonomy, and Mastery Motivate Us.
Daniel Pink